Changelog für die .513:
- cannot switch to navigation window
- no voice prompts for Polish navi
- old outdated traffic is displayed on map (when additional services are activated)
- when maintenance interval is reset incorrect mileage is shown
- oil change countdown stops at some value and doesn't change
- when in ACC mode oil change due warning message is displayed with wrench icon
- when regular maintenance timer is reset wrong initial mileage is displayed
BUGS fixed (not for Mazda 3):
- issues with navi window (freeze)
- wrong time is shown when the engine is started
- external device bluetooth connection issues
- car location accuracy is improved
- wrong traffic load is displayed
- system is rebooted when language is changed
- navi or any other window freezes or cmu reboots
- USB/SD card is not recognised
- navi turns off and the screen goes blank