Besteht Interesse an Infos zu OBD2 Adapter und Software?

  • Hello, the topic is getting more and more interesting. We have an RF G132 Bj.03 / 2019 signature without i-ActiveSense. The front camera is the new Gen.2 and is mounted. Would be great if you could unlock some or all of the functions. Greetings

    Do you have access to an adapter? for sure you can unlock the TSR and it is quite simple to do so. The SCBS is a little tricky and still needs some more testing.

  • Ich sagte doch, so langsam wird es echt interessant.

    Do you have access to an adapter? for sure you can unlock the TSR and it is quite simple to do so. The SCBS is a little tricky and still needs some more testing.

    Nein ich habe noch keinen Adapter. Bin mich noch eine wenig am Orientieren. Erstmal möchte ich dir Danken für deine geleistete Arbeit, bis hierhin. Du sagtest, es gäbe kostengünstige Kabelgebundene Adapter? Kann man mit der freien Version von "Forscan" alles freischalten? Habe noch vergessen das bei mir das Navi installiert ist.

    Jeder wie er möchte, das ist ganz klar. Also ich bin schon 2X bei meinem G184 mehr als nur froh gewesen, und dankbar, dass es bei mir installiert ist. Das System war schneller als ich mit meinem Fuß.


    G184 Matrix-Grau, Eibach ProKit, Felgen Tomason 8X18 incl. 2X5mm Platten, Micro Seitenflaps, Fox “Gen4“, sequentielle Seitenblinker, Domstrebe hinten I.L vorne ALUTEC, LED Heckleuchte, Exide Clutch, Kuhl "SWAN NECK GT WING", "Edelbrock Supercharger" Stage 3, DIY 3" Cold Air Intake, DIY Batterie i. Kofferraum, DIY 3" Kompressorkühlung, DIY Feuerlöscherhalter, DIY Armlehne links/rechts/Mitte, DIY Wasser-LLK, DIY Kofferraum-Notentriegelung, Wassereinspritzung.

  • I said it was getting really interesting.

    No I don't have an adapter yet. I'm still a little orientated. First of all, I would like to thank you for the work you have done so far. You said there were inexpensive wired adapters? Can you unlock everything with the free version of "Forscan"? I forgot that the navigation system is installed for me.

    OK, I wrote something in the Spanish forum and I am putting here some introductory instructions so you can at least get an idea of whether it is something that you want to do or you would rather get a friend with more experience and tools do it for you . I am pasting here the introductory part but I am not going to write specific instructions of the values to change for each function unless you know what you are doing. You see, to change the specific values that have been identified as functional for certain Mx-5 models is not dangerous and it is not a difficult process, but this kind of intervention requires attention and there are risks involved if values are changed happily without knowledge of the specific function for each car model / year / equipment.

    But here it goes the introduction. Hope that it helps:

    A) TOOLS:
    1 / OBD ADAPTER COMPATIBLE WITH MS-CAN / HS-CAN- A good quality adapter is needed and not all of them are reliable. Avoid cheap Chinese ELM327 clones. There are WIFI, Bluetooth and Cable adapters available. Bluetooth adapters are more convenient if you want to use them for monitoring ECU parameters in real time while driving, but cable adapters are cheaper if you just want to program. Mazda vehicles have CMU modules that can only be accessed by medium speed CAN bus (MS-CAN) so make sure that your adapter is compatible with this mode. These adapters are normally marketed as “MS-CAN / HS-CAN compatible” or “Forscan compatible” “Ford-Mazda compatible” etc. The premium and best supported choices are OBDLink MX (Bluetooth, Compatible with MSWin + Android) or Mx + models (Bluetooth low energy, compatible with MSWin + Android + iOS) but these are around 100 euros.

    2 / Windows laptop (windows 10 recommended)

    3 / FORSCAN software. Installed in the Windows machine. This software is available at
    For programming, an extended license is necessary. A free trial license (for personal use) can be obtained by registering in the Forscan forum ( ) This is valid for 2 months and can be renewed when expired. Forscan needs to be installed in the computer with the appropriate drivers to communicate with the adapter (information about this and about basic FORSCAN interface and use is available in Forscan forum)
    4 / Information about the modules of the Mx-5 and about their function. Mazda vehicles share a lot of their basic hardware and CMU modules programming, and a lot of information has been decoded for Mazda3 and other mainstream models that is applicable to Mx-5. This information is obtained by comparing the reads of vehicles with different equipment. Most of this information has been generated by users of Mazda3revolution forum at this thread: https://www.mazda3revolution.c…functions-asbuilt.169393/
    One of the users has centralized all the available information about these functions in a datasheet that is regularly updated:…6388&cid=45C6437E5AC3FE5C
    This datasheet contains tools to convert binary and hexadecimal values and annotations of the known functions of the different modules and addresses, so it makes it quite simple to do the necessary edits. The author (s) accept donations if you consider the template useful.
    Please note that for a function to work the car must have the necessary hardware. IN addition, some functions are specific for certain models of cars. This guide only focuses on Mx-5 ND2 model (> 2018) so the excel worksheet is only a rough template and useful to make the conversions.

    5 / The specific values to change that code interesting functions for the Mx-5: - these I will say in a different post, I don't want to encourage to mess with the coding unless they really know what they are doing, first see if you want / are able to get started and then we can discuss about the changes that work for each model / year and trim

    * Unsere Seite enthält Affiliate-Links, für die unser Forum möglicherweise eine Vergütung bekommt.

    Member #5000 Snow pearl white ST, G184 2019

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Baldo Mero ()

  • Danke :thumbsup:

    G184 Matrix-Grau, Eibach ProKit, Felgen Tomason 8X18 incl. 2X5mm Platten, Micro Seitenflaps, Fox “Gen4“, sequentielle Seitenblinker, Domstrebe hinten I.L vorne ALUTEC, LED Heckleuchte, Exide Clutch, Kuhl "SWAN NECK GT WING", "Edelbrock Supercharger" Stage 3, DIY 3" Cold Air Intake, DIY Batterie i. Kofferraum, DIY 3" Kompressorkühlung, DIY Feuerlöscherhalter, DIY Armlehne links/rechts/Mitte, DIY Wasser-LLK, DIY Kofferraum-Notentriegelung, Wassereinspritzung.

  • Gibt es hier zufällig irgendjemanden aus dem Großraum Hamburg (gerne auch noch etwas weiter weg), der das schon gemacht hat, die Hardware da hat und Interesse hätte, bei meinem RF die TSR freizuschalten? Ich würde nochmal gucken welche Kamera ich genau drin habe, aber so wie ich das jetzt hier raus gelesen habe, sollte der RF G184 BJ 2019 mit Matrix LED ja die Kamera drin haben, die dafür benötigt wird. Würde mich echt freuen und natürlich auch erkenntlich zeigen ;)

    Gruß Mike

    MX-5 RF G184 - SPS Street, MPS5 auf Sparco FF1, 18mm H&R TRAK+ hinten, Roku ESD mittig inkl. Diffusor, Zymexx ZStyle Classic Lenkrad, Sitztieferlegung Fahrerseite

    Skoda Octavia iV Combi - PHEV (link)

  • Kann mir mal bitte jemand helfen?
    Ich suche den OBD-Adapter zum Deaktivieren des Start/Stop. den gibt es bei carbonMiata. Aber jemand hier im Forum hatte den aus Asien deutlich günstiger und ohne die teuren Versandkosten bekommen. Ich finde den Thread ums Verrecken nicht wieder, auch nicht mit Google.

    ND RF 160 - I.L.Domstreben vorne und hinten, I.L.Unterbodenstreben, Armlehnenerhöhung, Motorhaubenlifter, LED-Seitenblinker, LED-Heckblinker, vorne Chromblinker von BMW, Stahlflexbremsleitungen, Hawk-Bremsbeläge, Stubby, 18mm Spurverbreiterung Hinterachse, große Drosselklappe, BBR-Nockenwellen, Gruppe-A-Abgasanlage, SPS-Street-Fahrwerk, tieferer Fahrersitz, kurze Hinterachse, Whiteline-Stabis, Ölkühler, SPS-Wasserkühler

  • Hallo an Alle,
    wie ist der aktuelle Stand beim Thema "Verkehrsschilderkennung" aktivieren?
    Hat das schon jemand erfolgreich umsetzten können?
    Ich bin leider mehr der Mechaniker als der Computerfreak.

    Gruss Heiko

    Geniesse das Leben jeden Tag.
    Man hat nur das eine. :thumbsup:

  • Hello everyone,
    What is the current status of "Activate traffic sign recognition"?
    Has anyone been able to implement this successfully?
    Unfortunately, I'm more of a mechanic than a computer freak.

    Greetings Heiko

    Hi, TSR activation works all right for >2018 (ND2) models. However, it is only practical in RF version since ST do not have TFT display to show the signs.