Sauger Tuning

  • Ja aber benutzt der Turbo nicht die Abgase? also im Grunde den Kraftstoff doppelt?

    Mir scheint, Du bist auf der falschen Fährte.
    Ein Turbolader drückt nicht die Abgase in den Ansaugtrakt, sondern Frischluft. Das Abgas wird zum Antrieb der "Doppelturbine" genutzt.
    Schau Dir zum Verständnis mal das Bild an

  • Für manche vielleicht interessant aus dem Forum (OVTune) Ecu Tec Upgrade:

    Super excited to tell you guys EcuTek Just released something awesome to us that is a serious game changer for the ND MX5! Note, a lot of this stuff is not a final product. These are working version updates for the MX5 to help extract maximum power from the vehicle and effectively reducing the ECU "nannies."
    As EcuTek has metioned to us..this isn't where it ends. They are working on perfecting the MX5 platform even further!
    Ecutek RaceROM phase I brought us:
    launch Control
    Throttle Autoblip
    Flat Foot Shifting

    and now Phase II brings us benefits for N/A vehicles and BOOST

    A Few Details!
    - Throttle and Torque control
    - Speed Density / Boost Tuning / MAP based
    - Hybrid SD
    - Camshaft volumetrics for torque
    - AFR Target RaceRom

    Torque and Throttle Control
    -accurate measuring, control, and unlocking of torque controls and throttle control for the ECU, bypassing stock "torque" based throttle management.
    Naturally aspirated: Get maximum power...all the time? Yes! We have seen this to be a big issue on E85 and Race Fuel Tuned MX5s where the ECU will lock up torque management and effectively decrease throttle as we get closer to MBT. This is CRITICAL for such cars to maintain the power thresholds they need.
    Forced induction: Required for consistent and accurate throttle management without the ECU intercepting desired throttle angle.

    Speed Density and Hybrid MAF SD
    - No more MAF sensor only based tuning. Accurate pressure ratio support and rescaling of the ECU for higher loads / air density. The combination of tuning possibilities makes this one of the best features available. At any time we can have the engine switch over from MAF to MAP based readings, or go MAF alone, MAP alone, etc. On the onset of boost, after a certain psi...or if someone wants to go with an intake / intake manifold and no longer worry about a MAF sensor.
    - The stock MAP Sensor has IAT integration, which makes this even better!
    Naturally aspirated: No longer rely on MAF flow for accurate fuel control. No longer rely on MAF IAT temp readings for accurate TEMPs. Bypass the MAF completely for ITB like system, aftermarket intercoolers, ducting into the intake manifold, etc. No more requirements on the intake tube for airflow turbulence on MAF readings.
    Forced Induction benefits: Accurate measurement of boost, load, and accurate fueling based on ACTUAL manifold pressure / air density. Boost Based tuning without relying on MAF flow, MAF placement, etc. BOOST AIR TEMP Based corrections
    General benefits: Hybrid MAF SD. On the fly switch from MAF reading to MAP reading for fuel control. This is the icing on the cake system to take full advantage.. example: low load and idle the ECU has advantages on reading MAF, then switch to MAP based Speed Density as you approach full load, so that you can get full throttle based enrichment while bypassing the MAF and having your air corrections based on temperatures in the manifold!

    Camshaft Volumetrics for Torque
    Another benefit to torque control and volumetric processing that is necessary to maximize power and efficiency at all valve advances.

    RaceROM AFR.
    The stock MX5 Skyactiv Fuel strategy is quite complex. Start with a base target Depending on temp, strip fuel in or out depending on XX this, XX that. Throw fuel in if "calculated" EGT reaches xxx to preserve the catalyst. Add xxx fuel to reduce effective torque... etc. Not anymore. Stripping away all the nannies for some of the more modified cars..EcuTek has released MX5 AFR RaceRom
    A RaceRom AFR control map that allows us tuner to get the AFR we want, all the time, without worry. This heavily benefits users with aftermarket headers where the fueling strategy goes off due to ..odd cat temps. (what cat?)
    Naturally aspirated: Get the exact AFR we want, all the time Regardless of catalyst temperature (calculated), regardless of torque management
    Forced Induction: Get the exact AFR target we want. Can't get any more critical than that. It's an absolute requirement for maximizing safety on a forced induction MX5 ND Tune.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]Also..just want to re-iterate. EcuTek is working on making this even more efficient. It doesn't stop here.[Blockierte Grafik:]

  • ich habe auch beim Tuner in Solingen nach Stufe 3 nachgefragt.
    Angeboten worden ist folgendes:

    Mehrleistung gegenüber Serie ca. 24 kw / 32 PS*
    Drehmoment ca.: 235 Nm* ( Mindestangaben)

    Dies bezieht sich in Verbindung mit meiner schon verbauten FMS Anlage.

    Ob die handgefrtigte Anlage seitens selben Tuners und ggf. weitere Anpassung
    Mehrleistung gegenüber Serie: ca. + 33 kw / 45 Ps
    Drehmoment ca. 235 Nm

    bringt ist eine andere Frage.

    Eibach, FMS ab Kat (rechts), mod.Lenkrad, Lenso Eagle 2

  • Ich würde gerne ein solches Auto mal auf einem Prüfstand sehen, den man kennt! Wir und BBR beides sehr erfahrene MX5 Tuner, kommen auf 190 PS und 200-205 PS.

    Und komischerweise kommt Wimmer schon auf den gleichen Wert, ohne Nockenwellen zu tauschen.

    gruß jan

    PS Ich möchte hier keinesfalls von jemand die Arbeit schlecht machen, aber villeicht kann ich ja sogar noch was lernen ;)