Für mich kaum vorstellbar. Selbst wenn es einiges an Streuung in den Fahrwerkseinstellungen der Serie geben mag, deutlich über 37 cm Radnabendistanz hat hier m.W. noch niemand gemessen.
Jein. Im Ami-Forum gab es zumindest einmal auch große unterschiede bezgl. der gemessenen Höhen:
ZitatOriginally Posted by Brian Goodwin [Blockierte Grafik: http://forum.miata.net/vb/miata_images/buttons/viewpost.gif]
UPDATE! I now understand why Sweden went with 10/4 combo. Development Engineer from Sweden was kind enough to get on the phone with me today and discuss this at length. What we came to was that there was interesting difference in heights between our cars as tested. Generally they were running the car higher, overall half inch and more (I believe he told me 16mm). Also, they tested with the rear set slightly lower than the front ...because they were replicating the differences in how they received the car, their ND arrived from dealer with the rear 10mm lower than the front.
Our first ND arrived brand new from dealer almost perfectly level, with RF just 1/16th higher than all other corners. All our testing has been with car either level or rear slightly higher so that car is level once driver is in the seat (because driver effectively sits on the rear shocks).
Vielleicht gibt es ja doch größere Unterschiede... aus welchen Gründen auch immer.