MX-5 ND Facelift in Sicht???????

  • Hi,

    ich habe extra jetzt noch schnell bestellt, um einen MJ23 zu bekommen. Mir war das Risiko zu groß, bei MJ24 mit den ganzen Zwangshelferlein "beglückt" zu werden. Ein anderes Tagfahrlicht brauche ich nicht und billiger werden die Modelle MJ24 ganz sicher auch nicht.

    Btw: das Warten auf einen neuen MX5 ist echt eine hammerharte Geduldsprobe :rolleyes:

  • Laut EU muss für den ISA per GPS zertifizierte Karten (Google, Here, TomTom, Continental, Elektrobit, ...) verwendet werden.

    Das ist der größte Quatsch den ich gehört habe. Fahre einen aktuellen Volvo V90 und die Google Daten überschreiben die erkannten Werte der Kamera. Leider dauernd Fehler. Nicht selten, auf der Autobahn dauernd. Wenn da mal eine Baustelle war, dann steht da auf einmal 80. Im Nachbarort 30, weil dort vor zwei Jahren ein Baustelle war. Aber auch in Baustellen werden teilweise die erkannten Limits wieder durch Googlewerte aufgehoben. Totaler Schwachsinn und wohl nur für Politiker ohne Ahnung sinnvoll. Gefühlt hat Google die meisten Mitarbeiter im Marketing, gefolgt von der Rechtsabteilung und die zuständige Truppe für Qualität und Aktualität rangiert noch hinter dem Facilitymanagement.



    MX-5 G184 Signature in schwarz, Öhlins Road & Track (70/40), I.L. Motorsport Domstrebe (Front + Heck), Zymexx Blinker

  • Habe in meinen Notizen noch einen übersetzten Artikel von Car Watch Jp. zum Thema DSC-Track gefunden. Leider keinen Link mehr zum Artikel. War vom Mazda FanFesta 2022 und der MX-5 fuhr beim Party Race mit… jetzt soll es wohl in Serie kommen 8)


    Hier die Übersetzung:

    DSC-TRACK under development for Mazda Roadster

    Mazda "Roadster" is a FR sports car that is loved around the world as a synonym for lightweight sports cars. Although it has grown over generations, the FR has a reputation for straightforward handling.

    And Mazda is supporting the "Roadster Party Race" to fully enjoy the handling and sportiness of the Roadster. The party race is a one-make race so popular that series races are held in northern Japan, eastern Japan, and western Japan, and the final round is being held at Mobility Resort Motegi on November 20th.

    Mazda is bringing in such a highly sporty roadster, a vehicle under development drawn as "DSC-TRACK Concept". From the letters DSC, it can be read that the development is related to "Dynamic Stability Control", which is generally called a skid prevention device, and from the letters TRACK, it is related to the circuit.

    What kind of device is this DSC-TRACK Concept? This time, we interviewed Mr. Daisuke Umezu, senior engineer of Mazda Vehicle Development Headquarters, who is involved in this development, and Mr. Mikine Ushimaru, Mr. Daisuke Sato, and Mr. Seishi Tamura of Bosch, who are conducting joint development as a supplier.

    DSC-TRACK is a skid prevention device that does not restrict engine torque.

    Mr. Umezu of Mazda is an engineer who has developed i-ACTIV AWD, G-Vectoring Control Plus, etc., as he has appeared several times in this magazine. There are also technologies that spread to other companies, such as load control by natural G control.

    What Mr. Umetsu is currently working on is how to make the circuit safer and more enjoyable. Party races are known as entry-level races, and there are many beginners who challenge the race for the first time. At that time, it's fine if it just sticks out, but you can hit it here and there, or in the worst case, it will spin out of control. There are times when the car may break down.

    In the old days, it might have been better to gain experience and become faster, but if the car was damaged in any way, it would cost money and it might make people hate participating in the race. DSC-TRACK was developed to reduce the number of such people.

    Generally speaking, DSC is a device that throttles the engine when the tires are about to slip and controls the slippage of the tires in a very safe direction. It's good to be safe because the engine is throttled, but the result is a slow time, and it's not fun to run on the circuit. Mr. Umezu himself participated in a party race for development, and said that DSC OFF and ON is about 3 seconds slower at Okayama International Circuit.

    However, since this DSC-TRACK does not throttle the engine, the engine power does not drop regardless of the driver's intention, and at present it can run about 2 seconds faster than the DSC ON.

    Still, it controls each of the four wheels when trying to enter a spin state. Control will focus on dealing with oversteer (a state in which the car turns rather than the steering operation), which tends to shift to a spin.

    Conversely, if it determines that the car is in an understeer state, it is interpreted that the car is under the driver's control. It will intervene with the tires when transitioning from oversteer to spin.

    When I asked what value they were actually looking at, they said that it was controlled by the amount of change in angular velocity, which is the amount of rotation per time, that is, angular acceleration (rad/s2). According to the Bosch staff, intervention will begin once a certain amount is exceeded.

    We want you to enjoy safe and secure circuit driving with DSC-TRACK.

    According to Mr. Umezu, DSC-TRACK is currently running about 2 seconds faster than DSC ON, but about 1 second slower than DSC OFF. Work to refine the control and reduce this difference is also being done at the party race site.

    “The development goal (for the DSC-TRACK) is to be able to run in the same time as the DSC OFF. There are many young people who drive boldly, and that's fine, but I want to prevent crashes (for those with less experience), etc. I want them to enjoy safe and secure circuit driving. At first, run with DSC ON, then with TRACK, and finally with DSC OFF.” It comes to have OFF and three modes. You will be able to change the DSC according to your skill.

    This DSC actually uses the next-generation ESP instead of the current Bosch ESP (Electronic Stability Program) system. Bosch's latest ESP is the "ESP9 series", and the one under development for this roadster is said to use the next-generation "ESP10". This is because more precise control is required, and since the next-generation ESP is used, it may take some time before the commercial vehicle appears.

    When I asked Mr. Umezu whether the DSC-TRACK would be effective for FF and other vehicles, and if there were any plans to install it, he said that this technology could be applied to any kind of car. However, the DSC is obliged to be installed on public roads, and the DSC-TRACK was originally made for circuit driving, and it is said that it is aimed to be installed on the Roadster, which has many users who enjoy the circuit driving the most. . “The Roadster has a short wheelbase and is easy to turn quickly,” says Mr. Umezu. However, due to its agile maneuverability, beginners and beginners may feel uneasy when driving on a circuit for the first time. The DSC-TRACK will be able to eliminate that feeling of anxiety and make driving faster and more enjoyable than the DSC ON.

    In fact, when Mr. Umezu participated in a party race at the Okayama International Circuit with a prototype equipped with DSC-TRACK, the attention was very high. There seems to be strong demand for its release. Mazda will conduct public development of the DSC-TRACK through participation in races, and will incorporate feedback from users.

    “There's a point at 7,000 RPM... where everything fades. The machine becomes weightless. Just disappears. And all that's left is a body moving through space and time. 7,000 RPM. That's where you meet it. You feel it coming. It creeps up on you, close in your ear. Asks you a question. The only question that matters. Who are you?“ Carroll Shelby

  • So viele Worte für ein etabliertes ESC Sport. Respekt ;) .

    Ich hoffe sehr, dass es sich nicht nur auf die ASR-Funktion beschränkt, die im Text ja sehr betont wird, sondern auch und insbesondere auf die Stabilisierungsfunktion und die dort notwendige Schwellenaufweitung.

    Nach meiner Erfahrung ist das ASR nicht so das große Problem, während einem die Stabilisierung durch vorzeitige Eingriffe die Linie ganz schön kaputt machen kann. Das gilt insbesondere für steife Nachrüstfahrwerke, die die ESC Auslegung an ihre Grenzen bringt.

  • Find ich jetzt nicht schade, dass ich das verpasse.

    Tatsächlich schade finde ich schade, dass ich die Scheinwerfer verpasse (was ich bestimmt umbauen werde) und das Infotainment, wenn es denn kommt. Das Mazda Connect ist um einiges schneller und stabiler als das MZD-Connect. Obwohl man der Navigationsdarstellung im alten System eins zuschreiben muss. Die extrem minimalistische Darstellung während Tourenfahrten ist sehr hilfreich.

    Sebastian S.

    Verbesserung macht Straßen gerade. Aber es sind die gewundenen, unverbesserten Straßen, die Ausdruck des Genies sind - William Blake

  • Ist das jetzt schlimm, wenn man 98 statt 100 fährt?

    Nein, mit 215/45-R17 (fahre ich auch) statt der serienmäßigen 205/45-R17 fährst Du real 101,5 km/h bei Tachoanzeige 100 km/h. Natürlich nur unter der Annahme, dass der Tacho hundertprozentig genau ist. In der Regel zeigt dieser aber ein wenig mehr an, so dass es letztendlich wieder passt.

  • Ja, das ist Bestandteil des Scheinwerfers. Deswegen sind die auch nicht günstig.

    Sebastian S.

    Verbesserung macht Straßen gerade. Aber es sind die gewundenen, unverbesserten Straßen, die Ausdruck des Genies sind - William Blake

  • Der 2024er wird definitiv auch die unten im Video beschriebene Ausstattung haben. Ob die später so gefragt sein wird...

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    Das Wichtigste im FIlm bei 1:40: Man kann das Bevormundungssystem immer per Knopfdruck deaktivieren,daher kann ich mit dieser Schikane dann leben,wenn ich einen neuen MX5 bestellen sollte. Aber trotzdem alles ärgerlich🤬.